02. Interview Segment: What is SageMaker and Why Learn It?

Expert Interview: AWS SageMaker

In these exclusive interview segments, learn about SageMaker and how it is applied to real-world use cases. One of the values that SageMaker and Udacity share is that they want to make machine learning accessible . We do this through education, and they do it through making tools and scalable infrastructure available to learners and engineers.

Later in this course, you'll learn about how SageMaker has developed over time and hear some predictions about the future of ML-powered technology.

Please view the segments that seem interesting to you!

How do you define SageMaker?

01 What Is Amazon Sagemaker

What applications does SageMaker make possible?

02 What Applications Are Enabled By Amazon

Why should students gain skills in SageMaker and cloud services?

03 Why Should Students Gain Skills In Sagemaker And Cloud Services